VX-160U/180U Alignment
VX-160U/180U Alignment
VX-160U/180U Alignment
VX-160U/180U Alignment
The VX-160U/180U has been carefully aligned at the factory for the specified
performance across the frequency range specified for each version. Re-alignment should
therefore not be necessary except in the event of component failure, or altering version
type. All component replacement and service should only be performed by an authorized
representative, or the warranty policy may be void.
Required Test Equipment
Required Test Equipment
Required Test Equipment
Required Test Equipment
CT-42 Programming Cable with CE44 Channel Programming Diskette
RF Signal Generator with calibrated output level at 1GHz
Deviation Meter (Linear Detector)
AC Voltmeter
In-Line wattmeter with 5 % accuracy at 500 MHz
Regulated DC Power Supply adjustable from 4 to 10 V, 3 A
Non-reactive Dummy Load: 10 W at 500 MHz
Frequency Counter: ±0.2 ppm accuracy at 500 MHz
AF Signal Generator
DC Voltmeter: high impedance
Before beginning alignment, connect the transceiver and PC using the CT-42
Programming Cable, and run the CE44 Channel Programming Diskette, then download
the EEPROM data from the transceiver to the computer.
Then store this data in a disk file so that it can be uploaded when alignment is finished.
You should find the corresponding data file on the computer disk for the transceiver
version you are aligning, containing channel settings for the high edge, middle and low
edge of the transceiver’s frequency range in channels 1, 2 and 3, respectively. Up-load
this file to the transceiver.
Low Band Edge (Channel 1): 450.000 MHz
Band Center (Channel 2): 467.500 MHz
High Band Edge (Channel 3): 485.000 MHz
: Signal levels in dB referred in the alignment procedure are based on 0dBµ = 0.5