These settings should give now have stored the tuning elements needed for those band ends
and middle.
You may go through and add more tuning memories by selecting other portions of the bands
where you tend to operate frequently.
Train the tuner on all Bands
Next, step to other bands where your antenna can operate within a 10:1 SWR ratio. Perform
the same steps above as with the first band chosen.
How do you know how many times per band needed to fully train the tuner? Here's the
answer from the KAT500 Owner's Manual.
Training the tuner with all of your antennas
If you have more than one antenna, continue to ANT 2 and ANT 3 ports using the same technique
above for those antennas. The KAT500 tuner can remember settings for all 3 antenna ports
Make it Easy for Your Tuner to Remember what it was Trained to Do
Once you have fully trained your KAT500 tuner on all bands and all Antennas, you can save your work
using the KAT500 Utility. Go to the Configuration tab in the Utility and select Save Configuration to
complete your tuner's training.