FTS-12 Tone Squelch Unit Installation
The FTS-12 provides either encode-only or encode/decode operation with 37
front panel selectable subaudible CTCSS tones, and is available for all versions
FT-712RH, from your local Yaesu dealer. See the "Operation" section for
functional details.
Perform steps 1 and 2 of the DVS-I Installation Procedure.
Remove the jumper plug from jack J1004 in the front left corner of the
speaker compartment (Fig. 5).
Locate the unconnected brown 10-pin connector at the front of the speaker
compartment. Align the small tab on one side of this connector with the hole
in one side of the jack on the FTS-12, and mate these connectors (Fig. 6).
Press the FTS-12 into the clip on the speaker holder (Fig. 7). The output tone
level (VRI on the FTS-12) is adjusted at the factory for the proper deviation,
so no adjustment is needed.
Replace the speaker holder and its three screws, and replace the speaker in
the holder. Then replace the bottom cover and its four screws, and retighten
the two screws on each side.
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