Repeater Splits
The FT-2400H offers several methods to set up split frequency operation for repeaters: man-
ual (band, and memory-specific), automatic (ARS) and independently stored transmit/re-
ceive frequencies. The manual and automatic methods shift the transmit frequency above or
below the receive frequency by a programmable offset. This offset is preset at the factory to
600 kHz, but can be easily changed as described in the box at the right.
When in the dial mode, only one offset at a time can be used. This offset can only be
changed while in the dial mode, and is applied any time repeater shift is activated (manually,
or by ARS) in the dial mode. For repeaters that require an odd split, you can either program a
memory-specific offset, or store an independent transmit frequency in the same memory.
These methods are described later in the discussion on memories.
To actívate the standard shift manually, just press the RPT button: once for minus shift,
again for plus shift, and again to return to simplex. A small"-" or "+" sign appears at the top
center of the display when minus or plus shift is selected, respectively.
Example: To operate through a 146.34/146.94 MHz repeater:
O Tune the display to 146.94 MHz (to receive on the output frequency).
O Press rpt once. A "-" (minus) should appear at the top center of the display (if not keep
pressing rpt until it does).
When the channel is clear, press the PTT switch on the microphone and send your callsign.
The display should shift to 146.34 MHz while you transmit.
Of course this example only works if the offset is set to 600 kHz, as supplied from the
factory. You can change it as described in the box on the previous page.
With repeater split activated, you can reverse the transmit and receive frequencies by
pressing the REV SKIP button above the selector knob.
Use this to display the transmit frequency without transmitting, and to check the strength of
signals on a repeater uplink frequency. The repeater shift sign blinks while reverse split is
selected. Press REV SKIP again to return to the normal
shift direction.
Changing Repeater Offset
To display the current repeater offset, press F/W-> RPT. The offset is displayed in MHz, to
three decimal places. You can change the offset in 50-kHz steps with the selector knob or
microphone DWN and UP buttons. In most cases you will want to keep the repeater offset
programmed to the most commonly used split in your área.
Also, you can enable/disable ARS (Automatic Repeater Shift), by pressing F/W at any time
while the offset is displayed. An "A" appears in the memory box when ARS is enabled.
When set as desired, press the RPT button to return the display to the operating frequency.
Automatic Repeater Shift
The ARS (Automatic Repeater Shift) feature activates repeater offset automatically when-
ever you tune to the standard repeater sub-bands (see chart below). With this feature enabled,
a small "-" or "+" at the top center of the display indicates that repeater shift is active, and
closing the push-to-talk switch changes to the (shifted) transmit frequency.
The ARS function is disabled at the factory. See the box on the previous page to enable it.
As already mentioned, you can use the manual shift method (rpt button) at any time to select
a new shift state, whether ARS is activated or not. However, if you change frequency inside
a repeater subband with ARS activated, manual repeater shift selections are cancelled.
Simple Memory Storage & Recall
The FT-2400H offers 31 memories, labelled 1 ~ 28, C, L and U. Each can initially store the
current operating data from the dial mode or a retuned memory. Once a memory has been
stored, its repeater shift and offset, CTCSS tone data and settings for the DTMF Paging and
CTCSS options can be modified, a 4-character name can be assigned, and a separate transmit
Automatic Repeater Shift - Repeater Subbands
145.1 145.5 146.0 146.4 146.6 147.0 147.4 147.6 148.0
Version A
--------------- ++++++++++ ----------- +++++++ --------------
Version B 145.6 ----- 145.85
frequency can be stored. Memory C (the CALL channel memory) can be recalled instantly
by the CALL BELL button, and memories L and U store programmable subband limits,
described later, in addition to general purpose operation.
To store a frequency in memory:
O Select the desired frequency (and repeater split direction, if desired) in the dial mode as
already described, or by retuning a memory.
O Press and hold the F/W button for ½ second, until a second beep sounds. A memory
number or letter appears blinking in the memory box.
O Within five seconds of pressing F/W, use the selector knob or microphone DWN and UP
buttons to select the desired memory for storage (in the memory box). If you select one that
was already being used, it will be overwritten with new data in the next step.
O Press F/W momentarily to store the displayed data into the selected memory. The
memory label will stop blinking for a second, and then disappear as operation continues in
the dial mode.
Example: Store the 146.34/146.94 repeater data in memory 5.
O First perform the steps in the example on page 15 to set up the desired frequency and
offset on the dial.
O Press and hold the F/W button for ½ second to display a memory label in the memory
box, then do the next step within 5 seconds.
O Turn the selector knob so that "5" (the memory number to store) shows in the memory
O Press F/W again, momentarily. That's it. The dial data has been stored in memory 5.
After a few seconds the memory box will clear, and you are left operating on the dial.
Summary of Contents for FT-2400H
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