Hans Remeeus PA1HR - Yaesu FT-1000(D)/FT-1000MP Sub RX filtering
Put the CR2032 Lithium Button Cell into the holder
Connect the cable connector,
put the two PCB's together,
close the DVS-2,
tighten the screw,
connect the DVS-2 to the rig,
give a reset on the DVS-2 and
enjoy your DVS-2!
After a few years, when the battery is exhausted again,
you don't need to desolder and solder the battery,
but just replace it from the holder.
Good luck!
Main menu (mainly Dutch language)
http://www.remeeus.nl/english/hamradio/dvs2.htm (14 of 14)17/10/2005 4:31:58 PM