Chelsea Yaesu DR-2X Repeater Setup
Wesley Cardone, N8QM
July 3, 2022
Program Announcements
From the home screen press [
] and then [
]. Then
press [
]. The screen illustrated in Figure 15
The FCC requires station identification every ten minutes.
This can be accomplished in a variety of ways. For the time
being we are programming the repeater to output its
station identification (WD8IEL) by means of CW tones. It
would be nice to have a voice announcement but I have not
figured that out yet. CW tones will work and are warmly
accepted by the amateur community so we will go with that
mode for now.
Touch the [
] button. The screen illustrated in
Figure 16 is displayed. The screen you see may differ
slightly from what is shown. What is shown is that the
repeater will transmit its station ID in a CW mode without
the use of sub-audible tones. Discarding the use of sub-
audible tones is important because that way, anyone tuned
to the repeaters downlink frequency (145.450 MHz) will
hear the tones. If we were to program the repeater to use
its sub-audible tone, then depending on any one
programming, they may or may not hear the
station ID.
It was also considered a best choice for a low
announcement level and a relatively fast CW speed. Nobody is interested in learning CW from listening
to station IDs but most amateurs would like it if the station ID could be done pretty quickly.
Press [
] four times to arrive at the home screen.
Figure 15 This is the announcements screen where
the station ID credentials are periodically
Figure 16 Here is where the mode of station
identification is defined.