Thank you for purchasing the latest internet connected navigation device product from Winplus North
America in collaboration with deCarta� We hope you will enjoy all features and benefits offered by GPSLive™�
These features and benefits were designed with the goal of making driving more convenient for the user�
GPSLive™ Internet Navigation allows your standalone GPS device to connect to the Internet and provide
updated and real time searches including street addresses, businesses, recreation parks, and all other points
of interest� deCarta’s application incorporates a range of technology to provide all the information you
need on the road�
Many of the features are described in more detail later in the GPSLive™ Operation Manual, however some
key features of the device include:
Search and Browse:
Search for locations on GPSLive™ Internet Navigation maps or browse lists, locally or at
your destination, and points of interest, including restaurants, shopping, and things to do�
Real Time LiveTraffic and Weather:
Has built-in intelligence that knows where you are travelling� GPSLive™
Navigation is constantly downloading data from traffic monitoring websites and provides the most up-to-
date traffic information that is available� If it recognizes that there may be long delays, it provides you with
the option to choose an alternate route� You can also check the weather conditions in your destination or
your local area�
Live Map Information, Gas Prices and Movie Listings:
GPSLive™ Navigation data and information are
instantly update� Locate gas stations add information about gas prices where you are and along your route�
Seach and browse movie listings and locations around your area and let GPSLive™ guide you there�