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The Device slot has a ‘push-push’ mechanism that works on a spring
and ensures proper card fixation. Improper loading or unloading
(withdrawing your finger to quickly or not waiting for the click) can
result in the card being propelled out of the Device up to 5 meters.
To avoid possible eye injury, loss of or damage to the card, and other hazards, insert
and remove the card with caution.
The Device has an LED which flashes red or green. After the Device is connected
to power, you may see the following signals:
Three green signals with a period of 0.5 seconds – this means that the Device
has received the first message from the onboard network of the vessel. This
signal occurs once after the Device is powered on to indicate that it is properly
One green signal of a full second duration means that the Device has created
a file on the MicroSD card and is ready to record data. This signal shows one
time after the Device is powered on or if the card is changed.
Constant, random flashing green signals indicate that data recording
on the MicroSD card is in progress. The intensity of the flashing indicates the load
on the onboard network. This signal indicates normal functioning of the Device.
A red signal with a period of 0.5 seconds indicate that the Device cannot create
a file on the MicroSD card or that there is no card in the Device.
A full list of signals is attached in Appendix A.