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Release Notes

Release Notes – da Vinci Mini with Microsoft 3D Builder

This release note provides information about how to use Microsoft® 3D Builder and 3D print via the da Vinci Mini Series 

printers.  Although we try to make sure our printers’ functions are flawless and stable, in no event shall XYZprinting be 

liable for any direct, special, indirect, incidental, consequential damages (including data loss to your computer). It is strongly 

recommended to backup or move any important data before updating this software to prevent data loss and corruption.

Microsoft, 3D Builder, and Windows are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United 

States and/or other countries.

da Vinci Mini 3D Printe

Microsoft® 3D Builder

da Vinci Mini has been designed for your home, office, or classroom. 

With a non-heated print bed it ensures the safety of users operating it.

View, capture, personalize, and print 3D models 

using 3D Builder. You can download many kinds 

of 3D files and edit them using this 3D modeling 


Applies to: Microsoft® 3D Builder on Windows 8 (x86/x64), Windows 10 (x86/x64)

Trademark notices


The da Vinci Mini streamlines 3D printing through a single-button print design, displaying 

different printing conditions using colored LEDs.

Green light: Standby mode, ready for print

Red light:  Error status alarm

Flashing red light: High level error alarm

Orange light: Device Printing

Flashing orange light: Printing Stopped / Finish

LED Status Indicator


