IOEM/REM Safey and Installation Guide
IOEM/REM Safey and Installation Guide
IOEM and REM Configuration and Monitoring
IOEM and REM expansion modules do not have a user interface, meaning no
configuration other than hardware wiring (page 43 IOEM and page 40 REM)
and slave address configuration (page 55) are done locally at expansion modules.
AquaManager is required to upload IOEM mode configuration to the instru-
ment. In addition, AquaManager must be used to upload all sensor setup>sensor
system>output 4/20mA menus which menus include configuration of IOEM
slave and channel to be used for a sensor system output. AquaManager includes
software checks that help to validate IOEM 4/20mA output assignment configu-
Directions to configure these menus using AquaManager are provided at
the Quick Start - IOEM Configuration starting on page 72.
At AquaManager polls, a network query occurs to determine whether configura
tion changes have been made to any networked instruments. When configuration
changes are detected during an AquaManager manual poll, AquaManager updates
the database to ensure the AquaManager database is in sync with networked instru-
ments. Example - if a manual poll is performed on a networked master 5200A, all
instruments on the network are queried. If, on this network, a change was made
locally to a slave 5500OD, the local change made to the slave 5500OD is updated to
AquaManager. This process allows the database to be up to date with the instruments
at all times.
It is critical that the instruments be polled at frequent time inter
vals to ensure AquaManager is in sync with actual instrument configuration.
Manual polls are required to update AquaManager firmware updates. Au-
topolls do not update firmware installation version information. See verify
latest firmware version after using Firmware Updater - step 10, page 63
Quick start guide instructions are provided for IOEM I/O - page 72 and REM
- page 80.
Use 5X00 instrument user manuals for information regarding Run Screen, Sen-
sor and System set up menu configuration. To Access pdf interactive manuals in
AquaManager at the Explorer Window Help>Instrument Manuals>scroll and se-
lect instrument manual to open interactive pdf file. Configuration of IOEM input,
4/20mA, PID control output and REM relay system configuration are provided at
sensor setup section in chapter 4 of 5X00 user manuals. Configuration of System
Menu items (such as general alarm relay) are provided at system menu>appropriate
system section in chapter 4. Configuration of Timer relays are provided at Timers
Menu section in chapter 4. Manuals are also accessible at
Configuring IOEM/REM expansion modules
IOEM/REM terminology
Below is a list of common terminology used to describe IOEM and REM devices
as well as IOEM, REM and 5X00 Eaux system functionality:
-An IOEM instrument is an I/O device whose channels are wired and configured
using the IOEM expansion module. “I”= input. Configure an IOEM channel to be an
input when the incoming signal is used to track a temperature, 0-1v, 0-5v, 4/20mA,
or digital device. “O” = output. Configure an IOEM channel to be a 4/20mA output
when a 5X00 system input signal is to be converted to a 4/20mA output signal which
can be used by another connected device such as a PLC. 4mA-20mA outputs can
also be used as a 5X00 system PID control device.
-refers to the physical 1 through 4 (IOEM4) and 1 through 8 (IOEM8) I/
Os. I/O devices are wired to terminal strips located on the IOEM expansion module
see page 43;
also refers to the physical 1 through 4 relay outputs wired
to terminal strip locations 1-4 on the REM expansion module - page 40.
E-Aux Systems-
5X00 instruments have eight (8) E-Aux systems. E-Aux systems
are configured to monitor, control and/or alarm IOEM inputs the same way 5X00
sensor systems function. E-Aux systems have data and event logging functionality.
E-Aux systems are also referred to as “virtual systems.”
E-Aux system datalogs-
5X00 E-Aux system datalogs are not visible at the instru-
ment. AquaManager datalogs must be used to view E-Aux system datalogs;
Local vs Remote Instruments
instrument on a 5X00 network is defined
as a 5X00 instrument that is using it’s own relay output as a sensor or system con-
trol or alarm. So, for example if a 5200A’s (s/n 53-1111111) pH control or alarm
system is configured to use it’s own (5200A s/n 53-1111111) relay 1 to control for
low pH, the relay assignment is considerated a
relay configuration. If this
same 5200A’s (s/n 53-1111111) pH control or alarm system is configured to use a
networked 5500 (s/n 55-2222222) relay 1, the relay configuration is considered a
relay configuration. IOEM input and IOEM and REM output channels are
always considered to be remote configurations because expansion modules input
and output devices are always configured to a networked 5X00 instrument system.
Knowing the difference between local and remote instruments is important since
certain menus like 5X00 system and sensor setup menus display local versus remote
instrument names differently.
Instrument and Relay name conventions at 5X00 instrument menus
- Configured
instrument and relay names are displayed differently at a 5X00 instrument when
local versus remote instruments are selected at configuration menus. For example,
at sensor setup>sensor selection>control/alarm system>Instrument window, the
instrument window displays a generic list of instruments being Local Machine,
Master and Slaves 1-31. The Local Machine user configured name is displayed if the
local machine is configured. A relay is selected at the sensor or system>relay menu.
Configuring IOEM/REM expansion modules