143311 (H)
Chapter 3 – Keypad Utility Program
The keypad utility program allows users to redefine any or all of the keypad keys
on the unit with new scan codes, using utility software. You must use an external
full-stroke PC/AT keyboard to access the utility. This chapter explains how to load
the keypad utility, and details how the program’s pull-down menus work. Also
included in this chapter are the default keypad scan codes.
Your external full-stroke PC/AT keyboard cannot be redefined by running the
keypad utility.
The keypad switch arrays are disabled while the keypad utility is running.
Loading the Keypad Utility
Pro-face keypad utility will only run under DOS 3.2 or better.
The keypad
utility will not run in a Windows environment.
The keypad utility is on the “Documentation & Support Library” CD that shipped
with your computer. You will find the self-extracting zip file,
Keypad Utility 1.1
, in the folder:
DRIVERS\Keypad Software\Keypad Utility 1.1 142606-001
If your computer is running DOS (revision 3.2 or better), create a subdirectory on
your hard drive for the files, and extract the files on the disk into that subdirectory.
To run the utility, go to the subdirectory and type
at the DOS prompt.
If your computer is not running DOS, you will need to extract the files onto a
DOS-bootable diskette. The diskette is then inserted into the floppy drive. You
will need to reboot your computer for the computer to access the program. To run
the utility, type
at the DOS prompt.
Using the Keypad Utility
The keypad utility uses a menu bar and pull-down menu system. All menu bars are
displayed across the top of the screen. “Pro-face/Xycom KP3 Utility” and the
current menu titles are shown at the bottom of the screen (see Figure 3-1).
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