The copper plating of the top and bottom plates
along with a solid copper phase plug improves the
heat conduction and thus contributes to the high
power durability.
Gold plated terminals reduce contact resistance
and serves as anti-corrosion.
Large windows in the basket both above and below
the spider reduces sound reflection, air flow noise
and cavity resonances.
Woofer driver
Also for the bass register we selected a SEAS driver
of the type coated paper, a very well-tried type with
an unbeatable relation between price/performance.
The coated paper cone is extremely light but still
extremely stiff and effectively reduces resonances.
The rubber surround makes sure that no edge res-
onances are present.
The moulded metal basket of "high flow" type that
is acoustically transparent and high precision since
the basket is shaped exactly due to moulding. This
makes sure that the basket is very stable and effi-
ciently reduces resonances. The basket is absolutely
none magnetically, which contributes to a higher
efficiency of the driver.
A strong magnet combined with the light cone
yields a high efficiency and a good transient re-
sponse. Gold plated terminal reduces contact res-
istance and serves as anti-corrosion.
Large windows in the basket both above and below
the spider reduces sound reflection, air flow noise
and cavity resonances.
Crossover /
Binding post
For the midrange and tweeter we have chosen a
-12/18 dB crossover that has a fast transient re-
sponse and a minimum of phase shiftings.
The connectors are gold-plated and of bi-wiring
type so that you can connect to the amplifier with
double cables (tri-wiring), or connect to two ampli-
fiers (tri-amping) for further improving the sound.
The following coupling modes are available:
1. Upper te mid+ lower terminal
(loops present)
Default setting, the loudspeaker is fed with the en-
tire frequency range.
Without the loop between upper and lower termin-
2. Upper terminal.
The signal is only fed to the
3. Mid terminal.
The signal is only fed to the
4. Lower terminal.
Now the signal is fed to the
woofer only.
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