Xtreme Power Conversion Corporation
Web/SNMP Cards
Page 35
UPS Management
This section is to enter SMSAgent’s account and password if configured (SMSAgent webpageÆ Configura
tionÆWeb/Telnet). Leave blank if no such setting
Receiver cellular number (for Event Log)
This section is to set the recipient’s mobile number. A total of 8 mobile numbers can be assign. (Select
able events list is same as SNMP webpage. Refer to page 35, figure 31 :UPS Event)
Note: 1)
Enter mobile number same as sending from mobile.
Note: 2)
Please refer to SMSAgent’s user manual for further information.
Note: 3)
See Appendix for further information
NetAgent 9 SMS
Modem (For 3 Ports NetAgent II only)