MB880 Indoor Cycle
Adjustment Of Seat Position
Seat Height Adjustment
1. Standing next to the bike, adjust the seat until it is about hip height.
2. Rotate the crank arms until the pedals are in the vertical position: 12 and 6
3. Place your foot in the toe cage of the pedal closest to the floor and mount the
bike. Ensure that the ball of your foot is over the center of the pedal. Your leg
should be slightly bent at the knee, about 5 degrees.
4. If your leg is too straight or your foot cannot touch the pedal you will need to
lower the seat height. If your leg is bent too much, you will need to raise the
seat height.
5. Dismount the bike. Then loosen the quick release lever on the seat post and
adjust up or down as necessary.
6. When the seat is in the desired position, tighten the quick release to secure
the seat post.
7. Note the final position mark on the seat post for future reference.
Seat Forward/Aft Adjustment
8. Sit on the bike with the crank arms in the 3 and 9 o’clock positions. A proper
forward/aft position (for road bike training) of the seat is achieved when the
small bump at the top of your shin is above the pedal axle.
9. Dismount the bike. Loosen the quick release under the seat and slide the seat
forward or backward as desired; tighten the quick release lever.
Handle Bar Adjustment
Handlebar Height Adjustment
1. The handlebar height is a matter of preference. Start with a handlebar height
that is the same as the seat’s height. Adjusting the handlebar higher will give
the rider a more upright position; lower will result in a more crouched position.
2. Raise or lower the handlebar by loosening the quick release on the handlebar
post and adjust by sliding the handlebar mount up or down as desired. Then
tighten the quick release to secure the handlebar post. Note the final position
mark on the handlebar post for future reference.
Adjustment of Handlebar’s Forward/Aft Position
3. Loosen the quick release under the handlebar and slide the handlebar forward
or backward as desired. A suitable forward/aft position should allow the rider
comfortably grasp the handlebar with a slight bend at the elbow.
4. Tighten the quick release to secure the handlebar assembly.
Adjusting The Bike For A Proper Fit
Take some time to learn how to properly adjust the bike to your body; it will make your
workouts more pleasant and a safer experience too. Riding the bike when it is incorrectly
adjusted can result in discomfort and increase your risk of injury.
First Time User Instructions