Connect the power wire from the devices to be controlled to the appropriate terminal on the terminal strip
making sure to attach the devices ground to the ground stud provided. Switch 1 through 4 should be used for
your larger accessories and are on power relays, switch 5 and 6 the power goes through the switch and are used
for smaller items like whip light, interior lighting or stereo. The following are the switch designations. On the PCS-
64 Switches 1 and 2 are on an extended wire so they can be mounted left side of the steering wheel.
Terminal 1 is Grey and is on relay 1 controlled by switch 1 with 30-amp fuse
Terminal 2 is Orange and is on relay 2 controlled by switch 2 with 20-amp fuse
Terminal 3 is White and is on relay 3 controlled by switch 3 with 20-amp fuse
Terminal 4 is Red and is on relay 4 controlled by switch 4 with 20-amp fuse
Terminal 5 is Blue and is direct and controlled by switch 5 with 10-amp fuse.
Not included on PCS-44
Terminal 6 is Green and is direct and controlled by switch 6 with 10-amp fuse.
Not included on PCS-44
Re-Connect Battery
Verify operation and re install dash and hood.
The PCS-64 comes with our new Fuse Block that is equipped with a Blown Fuse Indicator. If any of the
fuses are blown the LED will come on when the device
s switch is turned on.
Cables and switches can be purchased at www.xtcpowerproducts.com
More information on installation may be seen at www.xtcinstall.com. For support on installation we can be emailed at
or we can be reached by phone at 480-558-8588 Ext. 4
XTC Power Products
A Division of XTC Motorsports LLC
925 N McQueen RD. #101
Gilbert AZ 85233
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