8.13 Aluminium Alloy tool for widening guardrail
Aluminum Alloy widening
guardrail is a kind of
climbing machine, which
widens the carrying range
of the climbing machine
and improves the stability
of loading goods. Can Be
Flexible to accommodate
different widths of goods,
can be folded to facilitate
the transport of tooling.
Remove the fenders; find
the mounting holes on the
Stair Crawler; unscrew the
bolts and place the stair
crawler between the bolts
and the Wiper, and
assemble the stair crawler
and the wiper assembly by
the bolts.
Raise the guard rail. Pull
the Blue Shrink tube to
unlock the expansion lock
and stretch to the proper
width. Loosen the
retractable lock to lock the
tool width. Load the cargo.
The top cargo is bound with
a strap. For Transport.