stage low pressure seat while the
regulator is in storage. After the
regulator is completely dry, you
may store it in a regulator box or
your regulator in a hot environment
or near an electric motor, which
produces ozone. Prolonged
exposure to heat, ozone, chlorine
fumes or ultraviolet rays can cause
premature degradation of your
regulator’s soft parts and hoses.
If soaking is not possible, then, as
a minimum, rinse with a garden
hose. Do not use a high pressure
nozzle as this could compromise
the 2nd stage internal parts. Be
sure to rinse the inside of the
second stage via the mouthpiece
as well as the venturi lever. If
applicable, be sure to direct
freshwater into the ambient
pressure ports on the first stage
to flush out the main spring cavity.
After rinsing, shake any residual
water out of the second stage.
Hang the regulator by the first
stage in a cool, dry environment,
out of direct sunlight. Turn the
inhalation control knob all the
way out, counterclockwise, to
lessen spring tension on the 2nd