Acquiring GPS Signal
The Xplova E7 comes fully equipped with X-Navi technology designed to
maximize your cycling experience. Once turned on, the Xplova E7 automatically
searches for satellite signals. Go outside to an area free from tall obstructions.
The greater the exposure, the faster the Xplova E7 will be able to acquire a signal.
Signal acquisitions can take 5 to 15 minutes to complete under open skies. The
GPS icon indicates the signal strength when GPS is fixed.
The LCD Screen
Status Bar:
Displays status icons:Battery Status, Selected Bike, Bluetooth Connected,
GPS Signal Status.
DATA1: Upper data display main data area
Displays speed, heart rate, cadence, distance, recording status, speed
Lower data display dot matrix data area
Displays the clock, altitude, slope, trip time, calories, temperature, and
power information.
Status bar icon description
Battery Status: Shows the battery capacity and charging status
Status Bar
Lower Data Display
Upper Data display