Section 9 – Installer Menu
9 Map of the Installer menu
Installer menu continued on next page.
Section 2 – Description of the Device
Fig. 2.1 Supply-air/extract-air system with heat recovery
1 Fresh air*
6 Air diffuser
* Outside installation points for the Fresh Air intake
(1) and the Exhaust Air outlet (4) MUST be
sufficiently far enough apart to prevent the exhaust
air being drawn into the property through the Fresh
air duct. (No “re-circulation”).
2 Supply air
7 Air transfer opening
3 Extract air
A Supply-air area
4 Exhaust air*
B Extract-air area
5 Ventilation unit
C Air transfer area
Halls and corridors normally act as transfer areas in which the air from the supply areas flows into the extract
areas. Undercut doors and air transfer grilles are used so that the air flow between rooms is not restricted.
Where fitted, a radial air-duct system with direct pipe routes between air diffusers and supply air/extract air
• Simplifies the balancing of volume flow rates and pressures
• Prevents sound transmitting from adjacent rooms
• Makes cleaning easier, due to direct pipe routes
2.4 System Design
The ventilation system must be properly designed by a qualified ventilation engineer so that it meets the
requirements of the building.
The plan will determine :
• The location of the Supply air inlets (Low pollution: Usually living rooms, bedrooms, recreation rooms,
offices, etc)
• The location of the Extract air outlets (Higher pollution: Usually bathrooms, toilets, kitchens, utility rooms,
• The requirement for any undercut doors and air transfer grilles. (Usually Halls and corridors, etc)
• The overall required Supply flow rate
• The overall required Extract flow rate
• Supply and Extract flow rates into individual rooms
Please note: diagram for explanation purposes only. Not actual spigot layout