TelePAD 10A3 4G
Licenses & Disclaimer
We would like to point out that the firmware of the Xoro TelePAD contains open source software,
which is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) and Lesser General Public License
(LGPL). To ensure a GPL / LGPL compliant use of the programs, please refer to the license terms
of the GPL / LGPL.
Under the Agreement of the GPL and LGPL, we provide the source code of these programs are
available. The corresponding code can be at the e-mail address: Apply for [email protected].
You get the source code then on CD by mail! You can modify and distribute the source code under
the terms of the GPL / LGPL license. However, we assume no technical support for changes to the
source code!
License text
The license text of the GNU General Public License is available in the download
area of the product on our website, as well as on!
The source codes used are when they are not available in the download area of
the product, starting from purchase to purchase up to 3 years on request by e-
The Android logo, Google Search ™, Google Maps ™, Gmail ™, YouTube ™,
Google PlayStore ™ and Google Talk ™ are trademarks of Google Inc.
All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners!
Some content and services accessible through this device belong to third parties and by copyright,
patent , trademark and / or other laws are protected for the protection of intellectual property. Such
content and services are provided solely for your personal, non- commercial use . Xoro is not liable
for damage to software or hardware or damage to property arising from the use of the services and
of the device , unless these are due to gross negligence or intent , his agents , or his legal
representatives .
For direct or indirect damage - in particular damage to other software , damage to hardware,
damage for loss of use and damage caused by functional failure of the device , the company can
not be held liable. Only the User shall be liable for the consequences of use of the software used
on the device and the hardware.
The device and the software used was developed with great care , however errors can never be
ruled out. It can therefore not be held responsible for the security of your data !
EC Declaration
With the CE mark explains Xoro, a registered trademark of the MAS Elektronik AG that
this product meets the essential requirements and guidelines of the European
The following wireless features are delivered with this device: Wireless LAN (WLAN)
MAS Elektronik AG hereby declares that this device conforms to the fundamental re-
quirements and the remaining relevant regulations of the 1999/5/EC RTTE directive.