ISO plug configuration
1 3 5 7
2 4 6 8
1 3 5 7
2 4 6 8
Socket A (power supply)
On the A side you can find the socket
for power supply.
A1 – spare
A2 – spare
A3 – spare
A4 - (+12Volt) steady plus * (yellow)
A5 – (+) electric antenna (blue)
A6 – spare
A7 - (+12Volt) ignition plus *(red)
A8 – (-) minus / ground (black)
* - Some vehicle manufacturers use
their own pin assignment. Especially
the terminals A7 (ignition plus) and A4
(steady plus) are often interchanged.
The incorrect connection in this case
leads to following problem: the unit
can not be turned on if the ignition is
off and all the saved settings are lost
as soon as the unit will be turned off. If
these problems appear the connections
A4 and A7 should be interchanged.
Socket B (loud speakers)
On the B side you can find the speakers
B1 – (+) rear right (violet)
B2 – (-) rear right (violet/black)
B3 – (+) front right (gray)
B4 – (-) front right (gray/black)
B5 – (+) front left (white)
B6 – (-) front left (white/black)
B7 – (+) rear left (green)
B8 – (-) rear left (green/black)
The terminals are coloured by pairs, in
each case one (+) and one (-).
Though the design of ISO plug is
standardized, it's pin assigment is not
and may vary. Thus in case of mis
match of connections due to different
pin assignments a simple plug'n'play
connection may lead to grievous errors.
ISO plug configuration