Different features can be adjusted from the menu bu�on on the upper right
hand bu�on “
” on the APP.
1. Device Name can be changed as desired.
2. Device Informa�on provide network configura�on informa�on.
3. Smart Scenes and Automa�ons allows to create an autorun script.
4. Offline No�fica�on allows to push reminders when the device is offline.
5. Share Device allows to share your Smart Siren Alarm to your family.
6. Create Group allows to link with other smart devices.
7. FAQ & Feedback allows users to report issues and get help.
8. Add to Home Screen allows to add the Smart Siren Alarm to the home
screen of your smartphone.
9. Check Device Network allows to check the network status.
10. Check for Firmware Upgrade allows to check so�ware or install updates
to device.
11. Remove device will remove the Smart Siren Alarm from the Xodo Smart
app and remove pairing. This is necessary if pairing with a new device.
12. Restore Factory Defaults allows to reset the PIR sensor to factory se�ng.
Configure the Siren Alarm Se�ngs