Detec�ng Device
Connect to a WiFi Network
When detec�ng devices manually, power
on the device and confirm the indicator
light is blinking rapidly. (Hold the reset
bu�on for 5 seconds, the indicator light will
blink 3 �mes per second. If the indicator
flashes one �me per second, please hold
the reset bu�on for 5 seconds again.).
Once you confirm the smart device is ready,
press the “Confirm red indicator rapidly
blink” bu�on. Con�nue on to the next step.
Pressing the “Rese�ng Devices” bu�on will
offer some troubleshoo�ng guidelines to
Now you want to connect the smart device
to a local WiFi network. If the proper
network is not listed on this page, select the
"Change Network" link to see a list of
available networks.
Your router may broadcast both 2.4Ghz and
5.0Ghz broadband frequency. Make sure to
select the 2.4Ghz Wifi. Enter your Internet
Password and connect to the network.