using the oven
Place the oven on a flat, even, level suface away from any combustible materials.
Ideally a stone or concrete surface is preferable. Consult local building and fire
regulations regarding rcommended safe distancing from buildings, partitions and
coverings such as pergolas and roofs. Additional parts may be required.
Check for the wind direction to ensure the wind is not blowing directly into the oven.
This will cause ash to blow around inside the oven and reduce temperature.
Before lighting the oven, make certain the chimney damper operates freely then set it
open at 45 degrees..
Starting a fire is about smaller, easier to light fuel progessively igniting larger and larger
fuel. A match lights tinder - which lights kindling - which lights wood.
The best tinder to use is newspaper or kraft paper which has been rolled into balls about
2” in diameter or twisted like a piece of rope.
The thin paper has lots of air between its
loose folds allowing it to catch fire
Too much paper will produce
unwanted ash - use just enough
to start the kindllng.
Next comes Kindling.
Kindling is composed
of very small diameter
wood from the size of
a stick of dry spagetti
to that of a pencil.
Then you will need
several pieces each
of progressively larger
dry hardwood.