11.3 Periods
You can restrict a firewall policy rule to a certain period of time on specific weekdays
by assigning to it one of the periods defined here.
A table gives you an overview of all available objects. If there are more than 10 entries,
a navigation bar will appear below the right bottom hand corner of the table where you
can page through the entries or open the table in fullscreen mode. Pick an entry by
clicking either its title or the pencil icon to enter the detail view. Add new objects by
clicking "New Entry" below the table on the left. Use the dustbin icon to delete entries.
Period nickname
Specify a name for the new period here. You can select it later on in the firewall
configuration masks.
The configuration options in this menu are structured by topic. You can change between
the different screens by clicking on the tabs at the top.
11.3-A Specification......................................................................... 80
11.3-B Usage................................................................................... 80
Description "
This field serves for documentation only.
Included intervals
The whole period is a combination of multiple time ranges. Note that in order to specify
an overnight range, the start time value may be larger than the end time.
This table show in which settings the definition is used.