If the object tag also contains a "classid" attribute, the class
ID has to be accepted, too (see above). If there's no "type"
attribute in an embed tag, there's unfortunately no way to
whitelist it here.
Java classes
Applies to object and applet tags. If an object tag is used to include Java, you
need to check the "classid" attribute. It should look like this:
<object classid="java:test.class">
. To accept this applet, add "java:test.class". For whitelisting an applet tag, please
append the contents of the "code" attribute to the string "java:". If for example the
tag reads
<applet code="test.class">
, you would have to enter "java:test.class".
Content type filter
Block documents with content type
In this control you can specify a list of content types. Corresponding documents will
be filtered by the proxy. To add an entry use the format "maintype/subtype", where
an asterisk (*) can be stated as the maintype or the subtype to match any value (e.g.
"video/*" for any video format).
This component will scan only those files which have been downloaded via the
virusscanning proxy of SX-GATE. The virusscanning proxy has to be enabled. It is not
possible to scan the contents of encrypted connections, unless the option to break SSL
connections has been enabled.
SSL filter
SSL check for CONNECT method
For encrypted communication, browsers use the CONNECT method to request a
connection to the target server. The payload of such connections won't be filtered, as it
is expected to be encrypted. Some applications use this loophole to bypass the firewall.
The SSL check, when enabled, makes sure that at least only encrypted connections
are accepted.