Virtual recipients
Mapping of recipient addresses
Usually only the local part (i.e. the part before the "@" character) of the recipient email
address is considered when delivering emails to local accounts. If the local part does
not correspond to the intended recipient, you can redirect it here. As this configuration
is available per domain, each domain can have a different mapping. This is particularly
useful if you have multiple domains and you must deliver emails to addresses with the
same local part to different recipients, depending on the actual domain. E.g. while mail
to "[email protected]" is delivered to account "info" as usual, "[email protected]"
could be redirected to account "info_net".
Mappings which are independent of the actual recipient domain
should not be configured here, but in the user administration
instead. Addressing a user in all local domains by "firstname"
and also "firstname.surname" or forwarding the emails for one
account to a different address are typical examples of mappings
which should go into the user administration.
Insert the original recipient address along with the new destination in this list. It is
also possible to refuse delivery. As destination, you can specify an arbitrary internal
or external email address. If you enter a complete email address of a local recipient,
including the domain part, further mappings may be applied to it. Check this screen in
the corresponding domain. If you redirect to an internal address without domain, e.g.
the name of a SX-GATE group or a SX-GATE mailbox, mail is delivered straight to it.
Of course the configured behaviour of a group or a user's mailbox is preserved. This
includes distributing an email to all members of a group or following forwarding rules
of a user's mailbox.
Please make sure that no forwarding loops occur. An email
address must not be forwarded to itself, neither direct nor
Delivery of all other addresses *@
If a local recipient's address does not match any entry in one of the lists on this screen,
the mail will be delivered to SX-GATE's users and groups without considering the
domain part. How to process unknown recipients has been determined on tab "Local
domain". With the help of this control you can determine a different default behaviour
for specific domains. It will be applied to all emails with a matching recipient address
which is not in the list "Mapping of recipient addresses".