XTAG-2 Quick Start Guide (9.9)
Linux Users
The following steps explain how to get started with the XTAG-2.
1. Connect the XK-1 card to your system
Connect the 20-way IDC header on the XTAG-2 debug adapter to the left
XSYS connector on the XK-1 card.
Plug the XTAG-2 into a USB 2.0 connector on your development system.
Log into a shell with root permissions, open the file
and add the
following lines to access the USB and high-speed USB file systems:
none /proc/bus/usb usbfs defaults,devmode=0666 0 0
none /dev/bus/usb usbfs defaults,devmode=0666 0 0
Unmount the USB file systems, for example:
umount /proc/bus/usb
umount /dev/bus/usb
Remount the USB file systems, for example:
mount /proc/bus/usb
mount /dev/bus/usb
Log out from root access.
2. Download and install the tools
Go to:
and download the Tools.
Uncompress the
package to your install directory using
the following command:
tar -xzf DesktopTools_9.9.tgz -C /home/user
3. Start the tools and follow the XK-1 tutorial
Run the following command from the installation directory to set up the
environmental variables for the Tools:
source SetEnv
Run the following command to start the Tools: