Satellite Radio
XiteSolutions North America Inc.
9.5 Artist & Song Alerts
While listening to SiriusXM Satellite Radio, you can be alerted when your favorite
songs or artists are playing on other channels. You can store up to 50 of your
favorite Artists and 50 favorite songs.
The Infotainment Center will display an Alert message when a matching artist or
song is found on another channel or you can choose either My Artists or My Songs
categories to have access to all channels that have current alerts playing. When a
new alert notification occurs you can choose to tune directly to it or ignore and
continue listening on your current channel.
9.5.1. Setting Alerts
Press ADD to add an alert for a current playing song.
Press ADD to add an alert for a current playing artist.
9.5.2 Viewing & Managing Alerts
Press to cycle through your saved Song and Artists alerts. Press a third time to
return to channel list.
To remove an alert select the alert to remove by touching the alert from the list. A
“X” will appear to the right. Touch the “X” and the alert will be removed.
Please page 29 for instructions to clear all alerts
9.5.3 My Artists & My Songs Virtual Categories
When there are active alerts playing, the Infotainment Center creates virtual
categories called My Artists and My Songs. These categories only contain channels
that are playing music that matches your alerts. Channels will be added and
removed according to the alerts that are active. You can select channels to listen to
from within these categories as you normally would.