Sales Engineering
1. Each Trigger Block has one Trigger.
2. The Trigger must test true for an action to occur.
3. A test is usually made of one comparison. See Comparison table.
4. Each Trigger Block can contain unlimited Conditional Action Blocks.
5. Trigger Blocks and Conditional Action block will use the following when building a script:
a. System Values
b. Events
Special Functions
d. Numbers
6. Each Conditional Action Block may optionally contain one Conditional Action Block Test.
7. A Conditional Action Block Test may contain up to 5 comparisons (Using same “any” or “all” logic as described
for Trigger Block Test).
8. Each Conditional Action Block must contain one Action Block.
How Trigger Block Tests Work
Each Trigger Block is entered when the Trigger Block Test becomes true. Note that the Trigger Block is NOT
entered WHILE the Test IS true, only the moment it becomes true. For example if you want to trigger actions
when vehicle speed goes above 80 km/hr:
trigger when Gt(GPSSpeed, 80) [Debounce(0, 0)]
The interpreter will enter the trigger block at the moment the vehicle speed increases above 80 km/hr. It will
not continue to enter the trigger block during subsequent evaluations where the speed remains above 80
km/hr. Once the speed drops below 80 (for at least one evaluation), then the trigger block will be entered
again next time the speed increases above 80 km/hr.
Note that if the speed oscillates between 80.0 and 80.1 km/hr it is possible to cause the actions to be executed as
frequently as the speed oscillates. In order to avoid this, make use of the debounce specifiers.
How Conditional Action Block Tests Work
Unlike Trigger Block Tests, Conditional Action Block Tests allow the action to be performed WHILE the test is
true. Continuing with the example above, let's say we want to further limit our actions to only execute the
moment speed goes above 80 km/hr AND only when the vehicle heading is within 10 degrees of North:
trigger when Gt(GPSSpeed, 80) [Debounce(0, 0)]
condact any
InRange(GPSHeading, 3500, 3600) [Debounce(0, 0)]
InRange(GPSHeading, 0, 100) [Debounce(0, 0)]
All Conditional Action blocks are independent. One is not dependent on the other.
Condact Always
This means the actions inside a Conditional Action Block will ALWAYS run when the
trigger Block's test(s) are true.
Condact When
When only one comparison is used
Condact Any
The test is true when ANY of the comparisons is true.
Condact All
ALL comparisons must be true for test to be true.