If you want device update the location intervals
30 sec
when the car is moving.
Send ‘
accon 30
’ to the device.
If you want device update the location intervals
2 hours
when the car is stopping.
Send ‘
accoff 7200
’ to the device.
16. Resume the initial password
If you forget your password, you can resume the initial password 123456.
Send “
” to the tracker, the tracker will resume the initial password. If there is no authorized
number, all number can resume initial password. If there is already an authorized number, only the authorized
number can resume initial password.
17. Modify IP address and port
The IP address and port of Communication Protocol in the tracker can be modified and transferred data to
other platform. Send SMS
IP port
to the unit. If the tracker’s IP address and port should be modified
to and 344, send SMS “
4”to the tracker.
18. Set APN
For sending GPS data to IP address, you should set up mobile network Access Point Name(APN).If you don’t
know the APN, you can consult local network service supplier. The format of set APN is
, after set up successful, the device will reply SMS “
Set APN ok
For example the password is 123456,Send SMS ‘
apn123456 cmnet’
to the device.
Needed conditions to operate functions
GPRS network flux card which supports positioning function
Put the card box into host as picture.
Install Wire Box
Installation diagram of The Tracker