1. open the XDPpro software, find the left project bar, click PLC config/ED.
2. choose the correct module type.
3. set the module parameters such as current input range.
4. click write to PLC, then re-power on the PLC to make the setting effective.
Note: first-order low-pass filtering weighted this sampled value with last filter output value,
and got the effective filtering value. The filter coefficient is set by user, the range is 0-254,
0 means no filter.
External connection
Please pay attention to below items when wiring:
please use shield cable to avoid interference, and single point connect to ground
for the shield layer.
when XD-2AD2DA-A-ED connects external
24V power supply, please choose
the power supply from PLC to avoid interference.
Current single-ended input
XD-2AD2DA-A-ED current input wiring:
Current single-ended output
Note: the current output no need connect DC24V power supply.
Programming example
it needs to
collect one channel pressure sensor signal (pressure sensor
performance parameter: pressure range 0Mp~10Mp, output signal range 4~20mA), and it
needs to output a 0~20mA signal to VFD.
Analysis: as the pressure sensor testing range is 0Mp~10Mp, and related analog output is
4~20mA, the ED module AD transformation range is 0~4095. So 0Mp~10Mp is related to
digital range 0~4095. 10Mp/4096=0.0024414 is the pressure value related to digital value 1.
So the real-time pressure=ID register value * 0.002441406. For example, ID register value
is 1024, so the pressure is 2.5Mp.
ED extension module QD register value 0~1023 is related to current output range 0~20mA,
20mA/1024=0.0195312 is the output current related to digital value 1. For example, it needs
to output current 10mA, the digital value is 10mA/0.0195312=512 which will be sent to QD
Note: please use floating number for calculation, otherwise the calculation
precision will be error!
SM0 is normally ON coil, it will be ON when PLC is running.
PLC will calculate the pressure value P related to digital value 1, then transform the
ID30000 value to floating number. So the real-time pressure=ID30000*P.
PLC will calculate the current value C related to digital value 1, so the setting digital
value(floating number)=target current value/C. Then transform the result (floating number)
to integer then send to QD30000.
In this example, we use AD channel 1 and DA channel 1, please set ON related channel
enable bit Y30000, Y30002.
AI0- 0CH