Shenzhen XingKeChuang Technology Co., Ltd.
Phone: 86-0755-33523599 FAX: 86-0755-33515410 URL: http://www.sz-xkc.com
11th Floor, No. 48, Xinyu Road, Xinqiao Community, Xinqiao Street, Baoan District, Shenzhen
Step 1: Long press the power button to start the hand-held liquid level detector. Adjust the sensor sensitivity
value. (Refer to the following "Wall thickness and sensitivity")
Step 2: Put the sensing surface of the hand-held liquid level detector close to the container wall and from the
top Sliding to Down.
Step 3: When the liquid level detector is held and the sensing scale is aligned with the liquid level to be
detected, the liquid is detected. At this time, the buzzer sounds and the blue sensor light is on, and the high
position of the liquid plane is detected.
Wall thickness and sensitivity(Test material is acrylic)
Wall thickness sensitivity reference value:
Wall thickness: 1mm Sensitivity value: 20
Wall thickness: 2mm Sensitivity value: 29
Wall thickness: 3mm Sensitivity value: 32
Wall thickness: 5mm Sensitivity value: 39
Wall thickness: 10mm Sensitivity value: 53
Wall thickness: 20mm Sensitivity value: 64
Wall thickness: 40mm Sensitivity value: 68-72
Note: The above sensitivity values are for reference only, and can actually be fine-tuned according to the
container material and liquid concentration.
10th.Use environment
1. If the container wall where the measuring probe is installed is of multilayer material, the layers should be in
close contact with each other, and there should be no bubbles or gas interlayers.
The inner and outer surfaces of the container wall should be smooth.
2. Container wall thickness: 0-40mm.