ChipScope Pro Software and Cores User Guide
UG029 (v14.3) October 16, 2012
Chapter 4:
Using the ChipScope Pro Analyzer
The ChipScope Pro Analyzer server is started on 64-bit Windows machines by
<XILINX_ISE_INSTALL>\bin\nt64\cse_server.exe <command line options>
The ChipScope Pro Analyzer server is started on 32-bit Linux machines by executing
<XILINX_ISE_INSTALL>/bin/lin/cse_server <command line options>
The ChipScope Pro Analyzer server is started on 64-bit Linux machines by executing
<XILINX_ISE_INSTALL>/bin/lin64/cse_server <command line options>
Note that
is the location at which the Xilinx® ISE® Design
Suite tools are installed. The ChipScope Pro Analyzer server application has several
<command line options>
that are described in
. You can customize the server
scripts as needed.
“Setting up a Server Host Connection,” page 60
for more information on how to
connect to the server application from the ChipScope Pro Analyzer client application.
ChipScope Pro Analyzer Client Interface
The ChipScope Pro Analyzer client interface consists of four parts:
Project tree
in the upper part of the split pane on the left side of the window
Signal browser
in the lower part of the split pane on the left side of the window
Message pane
at the bottom of the window
Main window
Both the project tree/signal browser split pane and the Message pane can be hidden by
deselecting those options in the View menu. Additionally, the size of each pane can be
adjusted by dragging the bar located between the panes to a new location. Each pane can
be maximized or minimized by clicking on the arrow buttons on the pane separator bars.
Project Tree
The project tree is a graphical representation of the JTAG chain and the cores in the devices
in the chain. Although all devices in the chain are displayed in the tree, only valid target
devices and cores can be operated upon. Leaf nodes in the tree appear when further
operations are available. For instance, a leaf node for each unit appears when that device is
configured with a core-enabled bitstream. Context-sensitive menus are available for each
Table 4-1:
ChipScope Pro Analyzer Server Command Line Options
Command Line Option
Used to specify the TCP/IP port number that is used by the client
and server to establish a connection. The default port number is
Used to protect the server from unauthorized access. No
password is set by default.
Used to specify the location of the log file. The default log file
location is:
is your home directory and
is the
TCP/IP port number used by the server.