Xiegu X5105 QRP Transceiver
Front panel:
1. Power Button:
Press and hold for 1 second to turn the radio on or off.
2. Mode Button:
Step or scroll to change the radio’s operating mode: [LSB-USB-CW-CWR-NFM-AM]
3. PRE/ATT Button:
Step or scroll to select receiver sensitivity Range: [PRE=ON, ATT=ON, PRE/ATT=OFF]
4. RIT Button:
Press to toggle the RIT (receiver incremental tuning) function on or off.
5. NB Button:
Press to toggle the NB (noise blanker) function on or off.
6. MENU Button:
Press Menu to display menu selections and to step through available functions.
7. – 10. Multifunction-Menu Buttons:
Press to access a desired function (functions appear above each button on the screen).
11. Main Tuning Knob:
Tunes the X5105 VFO, also adjusts some menu parameters.
12. ATU Button:
Press momentarily to bring the ATU (automatic antenna tuner) on line.
Press and hold to activate the ATU’s automatic tuning cycle.
13. Po Button:
Press and rotate the VFO knob to set RF-Power Output level (0.5W-5W).
14. A/B Button: