‘TUNE’ Button
Antenna Tuner
A short press just enables the tuner to be used. But the actual antenna tuning is not initiated.. so
the tuner is at its setting when it last actually completed a tuning action. An antenna icon is
turned on in the display when the tuner is active..
A long press enables the tuner and initiates the tuner to tune the antenna for the current band
and frequency. The tuner is left enabled and the antenna icon is turned on in the display.
Note: Beware if the split mode operation is set. Depending on VFO-A and VFO-B frequencies /
bands; the tuner may get confused.
‘POW’ Button
Output Power Setting
SWR Curve Scan
A short press allows the tuning control to select the desired G90 watts. Then press the tuning
control to save the setting.
Press the ‘POW’ button again and use the Tuning control to select the
‘SWR THR’ SWR Threshold of 1.8 to 3.6. Press the Tuning control to end the sequence.
A long press
of the ‘POW’ button initiates the scan of the current antenna’s SWR vs. frequency
plot. This scan is of the antenna without the tuner in the circuit. The scan is continuous until
halted with the ‘VM’ button. During the scan the ‘PRE’ button may be pressed to specify 1 to 5
KHZ as the scan bandwidth step size.
‘KEY’ Button
CW Configuration
Each short press allows setting the CW keying parameters from this list: Keying speed, M/L/R
selection, Mode A or B, QSK on or off, QSK Time or Dot: Dash Ratio, Use the tuning control to
set the desired value and the press the tuning control to save the setting.
A long press of the KEY button will change the bottom portion of the display where the G90 will
attempt to decode and display the characters as CW is being received. Another long press will
turn it off. Note that the CW decoder feature is very sensitive to precise tuning and the current
filter settings. When close to being tuned properly the amber LED above the tuning control will
blink in time with the CW note.
‘LOCK’ Button
Display’s Brightness
Lock G90 buttons and
Short presses will cycle the G90’s display intensity through five levels of brightness.
A long press will lock the G90’s controls and display a lock icon indicating the lock status.
Another long press will unlock the G90. All controls and buttons, other than the Lock button, are
“PRE” Button
Preamplifier and
Press “PRE” repeatedly to cycle though these settings (see the icon in the display):
“P” the preamp is on, providing a boost of the received signals
‘A’ the input signal is attenuated by some amount
No icon … neither the Preamp or attenuator is active.
“CMP” Button
Speech Compressor
The speech compressor functions to somewhat process normal speech frequencies into a
narrower band to have the effect of boosting the effective output RF power.
Applicable only in the LSB, USB, NFM or AM modes
See a microphone like icon when the speech compressor is on
“NB” Button
Noise Blanker
Pushing the button multiple times cycles through the following options:
‘NB SW’ .. use the tuning control to select On or Off
‘NB Level’ .. use tuning control to select 0 to 10. Lower numbers will tend to mute the receiver.
‘NB Width’ .. use tuning control to select 0 to 10. Higher values will tend to mute the receiver.
Press the tuning control to end this process at any point.