Standing wave ratio (SWR) scanning
The G90 has an SWR scanning function which can give an indication of the SWR of the antenna connected to the transceiver.
You can also set the threshold of the high SWR warning provided on the display to any level between 1.8 and 3.6.
Press and hold the [POW] button to start SWR scanning. The display will switch to the SWR scanner screen.
After the first sweep of the scanner, the SWR and the frequency will be displayed at the bottom of the screen.
The following adjustments can be made during scanning using the buttons below the screen:
Press the [PRE] button to change the frequency step of the scan (there are five preset ranges:
50, 300, 450, 600 and 700 kHz);
Press the [NB] button to select between slow and fast scanning speed;
Press the [VM] button to exit SWR scanning.
Press the [POW] button twice in succession to set the SWR warning threshold between 1.8 and 3.6. SWR THR appears in the
display. Rotate the main control knob to set the desired threshold, press the [POW] button again to confirm the setting.
The SWR scan results are intended for guidance only. The scanner cannot deliver the accuracy of a professional antenna analyzer.