problem, like a disconnected burner or an overload, the sequence will be aborted and a
error message will be displayed.
3) Once the burner is at temperature, the starter is powered. First 2s the power is set
fixed by the parameter "Starter power at ignition" to assure a good bendix engagement.
After these 2 seconds, the starter power is regulated automatically to have the rotor
turning at the RPM set by "Rpm at ignition". Note that the fixed power set by the
parameter "starter power at ignition" is the minimum possible that will be feed to starter,
so if this power is set too high, the rotor will turn faster than the set rpm
4) Once the rotor is checked to be at the desired rpm for ignition, the pump and burner
valve will be pulsed to feed fuel to burner in a very exact flow. The pump is energized by
the power set by the parameter "Pump power ignition K". Set to about 45 for FW100, to
35 for a FW200, 25 for a Speed300. NEVER set in”AUTO”.
5) The screen will show” ignition” and the system wait for a confirmation that there is
ignition by checking for an increase of at least 6ºC in EGT. During this phase, the
parameters that are used by the system are:
. Set the rotor RPM. Usually between 2.000 and 5.000 rpm
” Pump Pw Ignit. K”
Set the power of the pump. The pulse time is fixed, so it adjusts the
amount of fuel sent to burner.
”Ignition timeout”
Set the time that the system wait for ignition.
”Glow plug power”
Set the voltage of the burner.
6) Once there is a confirmation of ignition, the new phase is”Preheat”. In this phase the
burner continue with same electrical and fuel supply as the ignition phase, but at same
time fuel is feed in to the vaporizers. Rotor RPM is controlled by a new parameter,”RPM
PREHEAT K”. This phase continue until the exhaust temperature (EGT) reaches a value set
by parameter” EGT Begin Fuel Ramp:”.
Parameters used on this phase:
. Set the rotor RPM. Usually 2000 rpm more than ignition
” Pump Pw Ignit. K”
Set the amount of fuel sent to burner.
”Glow plug power”
Set the voltage of the burner
” Engine Fuel Preh.:”
Set the time of the vaporizer valve is open, thus adjusting the flow
to the engine main injectors. Burner flow is the same as Ignition phase, using same
parameters. Typical value is 40.
”EGT End Preheat:”
Set the EGT to be reached in”preheat phase” before continuing the
sequence. Typical values 80-120ºC
7) Once the EGT will arrive to the temperature set by parameter " EGT End Preheat", the
”switchover” phase will be executed, where the fuel supply is progressively switched from
burner to main injectors, and it will be done according to RPM and EGT. Pump power now is
controlled by ”pump start point”, the pump run continuously and the valves cycled using a
variable duty cycle from the value set by parameter ”Engine min.Flow:” to the 100%
accordingly with RPM increase. RPM are increased by 1000RPM for each 20ºC of EGT
increase, until the value of ” RPM Fuel Ramp K” is reached.
Parameters used on this phase: