Xiaomi POCO X5 5G Quick Start Manual Download Page 4

This device is restricted to indoor use only when operating in the 5250 to 5350 MHz 

frequency rang



This device is restricted to indoor use only when operating in the 5150 to 5350MHz 

in Hong Kong.

Restrictions in the 2.4 GHz band:

Norway: This subsection does not apply for the geographical area within a radius of 20 

km from the centre of Ny-Ålesund.

Ensure the power adapter used meets the requirements of Clause 6.4.5 in IEC/EN 

62368-1 and has been tested and approved according to national or local standards.

Frequency Bands and Power

This mobile phone offers the following frequency bands in EU areas only and maximum 

radio-frequency power:

GSM 900: 35.5 dBm

GSM 1800: 32.5 dBm

WCDMA band 1/8: 25.7 dBm

LTE band 1/3/7/8/20/28/38/40/41: 25.7 dBm, 

5G NR band n1/n3/n7/n8/n20/n28/n38/n40/n41: 26 dBm, 5G NR band n77/n78: 29 dBm

Bluetooth: 20 dBm

Wi-Fi 2.4 GHz band: 20 dBm

 Wi-Fi 5 GHz: 5150 to 5250MHz: 23 dBm, 5250 to 5350 MHz: 23 dBm, 5470 to 5725 MHz: 23 

dBm, 5725 to 5850 MHz: 14 dBm

NFC: 13.56 MHz < 42 dBuA/m at 10m

5G connection depends on country, carrier, and user environment.

FCC Regulations

This mobile phone complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the 

following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) 

this device must accept any interference  received, including interference that may 

cause undesired operation.

This mobile phone has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B 

digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. 

These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful 

interference in a residential installation. 

This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not 

installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference 

to radio communications. 

However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular 

installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television 

reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is 

encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: 



Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. 



Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. 



Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the 

receiver is connected. 



Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. 

RF Exposure Information (SAR)

This device meets the government’s requirements for exposure to radio waves. This 

device is designed and manufactured not to exceed the emission limits for exposure to 

radio frequency (RF) energy. The exposure standard for wireless devices employs a unit 

of measurement  known as Specific Absorption Rate, or SAR.

The SAR limit set by the FCC is 1.6 W/Kg. For body-worn operation, this device has 

been tested and meets the FCC RF exposure guidelines for use with an accessory that 

contains no metal and positions the device a minimum of  

1.0 cm from the body. RF exposure compliance with any body-worn accessory that 

contains metal was not tested and certified, and use of such body-worn accessory 

should be avoided. Any accessory used with this device for body-worn operation must 

keep the device a minimum of 1.0 cm away from the body. 

FCC Note

Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for 

compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.

Shielded cables must be used with this unit to ensure compliance with the Class B 

FCC limits.

UK Regulations

Regulations 2017 (SI 2017/1206)                

Declaration of Conformity 

Xiaomi Communications Co., Ltd. hereby declares that this GSM 

/ GPRS / EDGE / UMTS / LTE / 5G NR Digital Mobile Phone with Bluetooth 

Summary of Contents for POCO X5 5G

Page 1: ...POCO X5 5G Quick Start Guide SAT 16 AUG 02 48 Volume Buttons Power Button USB Type C Port Nano SIM Nano SIM Nano SIM Micro SD ...

Page 2: ...n cause fire explosion electric shock pose other risks or damage the device This device s operating temperature range is 0 C to 40 C Using this device in an environment outside of this temperature range may damage the device If your device is provided with a built in battery to avoid damaging the battery or the device do not attempt to replace the battery yourself Charge this device only with the ...

Page 3: ...ment Please update your phone s operating system using the built in software update feature or visit any of our authorized service outlets Updating software through other means may damage the device or result in data loss security issues and other risks EU Regulations RED Declaration of Conformity Xiaomi Communications Co Ltd hereby declares that this GSM GPRS EDGE UMTS LTE 5G NR Digital Mobile Ph...

Page 4: ...d and used in accordance with the instructions may cause harmful interference to radio communications However there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by on...

Page 5: ...does not contain metallic components and allows a separation of at least 5 mm to be maintained between the device and the body RF exposure compliance was not tested or certified with any accessory containing metal worn on the body and use of such an accessory should be avoided Certification Information Highest SAR SAR 10 g limit 2 0 W Kg SAR Value Head 0 521 W Kg Body 0 769 W Kg 5 mm distance Lega...

Page 6: ...to programs and or equipment may be made by Xiaomi at any time and without notice Such changes will however be incorporated into new online editions of the user guide please see details at www mi com global service userguide All illustrations are for illustration purposes only and may not accurately depict the actual device Manufacturer s Authorized UK Representative Name Xiaomi Technology UK Limi...

Page 7: ...POCO X5 5G 寚㬫駱䂐忲銘 䌄㳝慍㴤 䈌瑧慍㴤 USB Type C 㬯扟 02 48 曐梕嗎 8 桸 16 暀 Nano SIM Nano SIM Nano SIM Micro SD ...

Page 8: ...徏挸佀 鉝 梪 鉝艊㭘慘璑姪謑齔鞯豸 0ˇC 靧 40ˇC 鮪㢋熱澑璑姪謑齔艊繤乵跤懲羮梪 鉝䯖詵啠靪 鉝挸佀 偧楇倉艊 鉝抲辭媽鉝䈌焏䯖砏㮌鋁挸佀䈌焏徏 鉝䯖㗏陽鈮㕩靕 桖拋䈌焏 誆廹懲羮䆹羦閔䅔醢徏戦滺艊郰輬倀䈌瑧㩔拋鏍砏梪 鉝擄䈌 誆廹懲羮鞁崯艊 鉝悶咷艊戦滺㱚鬣 擄䈌呝耏嬤䯖廹惽䅵㩔拋鏍鞁 鉝倀䈌瑧抴姫躐䂣艊㬯輬 㗏陽砏 鉝擄䈌㢋㭛 12 啢朌 䈌焏宍䌙鞁咲嗋婃窹鰓䂛螻敒徏櫯鉝 飨醭耾昷媀麁絔䈌焏䯖詵啠靪瞐㙬徏稜砋 廹 樰撠倉艊梪鰱㒒籌櫯鉝徏螻敒 鉝 謾䈌焏倀㱚鬣 㗏陽惖㓦 搾撆 蘨伬徏碷秌䈌焏 偧楇䈌焏荱備墱軂㚐矇徏挸佀䯖廹襫張匯澏 懲羮 㗏陽㚙䈌焏蓪㣵䯖壠爍詵啠靪㭛禘 瞮僅徏謾骼僅咥 㗏陽啗䈌焏鉝昺䗮璑繤乵躐跤 䈌焏㭛禘詵啠靪稜砋 㗏陽惖㓦 搾撆徏蘨伬䈌焏䯖壠爍詵啠靪䈌焏甗猐 㭛禘徏稜砋 㗏陽碷秌䈌焏䯖壠爍詵啠靪瞐㙬徏稜砋 羮忈醭嬱僉熱徏敘鋅䈌焏 僉熱徏軦販䈌焏艊蠿姃䯖誆詵羾 ...

Page 9: ...朌䯖廹鞁 㦳䗪墮慁桭啨 5 灖貏艊㣣䇳䯖飨蘣墮磄輬䈌啑䍍栤䉃㳝烐妕觻諦徏濱昺 鶯艊烐妕 恦 鉝㟂㫝㦳䗪朌䯖廹懲羮醭塒㳟嘡踾鬣艊隂夝俻徏芕倧䯖鍖鹾詵㚙 鉝鞁㦳䗪躐䂣墮慁桭 啨 5 灖貏艊㣣䇳 麇駁塒桹㳟嘡踾鬣鹾蟬忂鮪㦳醢艊㱚鬣䯖跆梥喥磄輬䈌啑䍍栤䉃㳝諦㒒 嵔熚扟糴珘㕩徏㖐㙏䯖罌澑廹㮌鋁懲羮㕵訵㱚鬣 㖐㙏㟍㔍䯒桭䗮 SAR䯓 SAR 10 陸䅡壽䯤2 0 W Kg䯖 SAR 過䯤䌿㯵䯤0 521 W Kg䯖㦳䗪䯤0 769 W Kg䯒5 灖貏㣣䇳䯓 熴嬣㟍㔍 梪 鉝詵昺忞桹潩茒彾潿霽㭘慘 㗏翽嶯懲羮 鉝艊鰱䨅躐瑪霽倀耾鰱㒒籌 梪 鉝飨5250 靧 5350 MHz 䍍籹謑齔撋慘朌䯖誆䅡昺咇媽懲羮䯤AT BE BG HR CY CZ DK EE FI FR DE EL HU IE IT LV LT LU MT NL PL PT RO SK SI ES SE UK NI IS LI NO CH T...

Page 10: ...啑䅡壽 磄輬 鉝艊栤䉃過浘瑱䯖桰媆羮袇砏竑呯煢敒瀷籹 SAR 艊珘㳝賅瀕 FCC 㔰襫艊 SAR 䅡壽砏 1 6 W Kg 偧䈑恦 鉝蟬忂鮪㦳醢撋慘䯖梪 鉝墱軂㭛珘㕩䯖 跆觻諦 FCC 磄輬䈌啑䍍栤䉃㳝慇媆䯖詵㱚諦醭塒㳟嘡艊㱚鬣懲羮䯖㕵㱚鬣詵恦 鉝敡 鮪鞁㦳䗪荁㣣桭啨 1 0 皺貏艊㣣䇳 麇駁塒桹㳟嘡踾鬣鹾蟬忂鮪㦳醢艊㱚鬣䯖跆梥喥磄 輬䈌啑䍍栤䉃㳝諦㒒嵔熚扟糴珘㕩徏㖐㙏䯖罌澑廹㮌鋁懲羮㕵訵蟬忂鮪㦳醢艊㱚鬣 鞁梪 鉝酽讜懲羮艊麇駁㱚鬣䯖偧䈑鮪蟬忂躐嬤撋慘䯖喥宍䌙㚙 鉝鞁㦳䗪墮慁桭啨 1 0 皺貏艊㣣䇳 FCC 漸㔾 偧慘熱㚐鋅徏桖敘䯖鹾㕵訵㚐鋅徏桖敘梥籙嬱㞦㞲諦㒒鲇呴艊酽昷暺蘣恊豈䯖詵魑羮忈 貺俢撋慘㔰漸艊滺䅡 澑 鉝宍䌙懲羮嗢鳦郰輬䯖飨觻諦 FCC 艊 B 䍰䅡壽 䈌厸浘豻 梪 鉝䅔桹䈌厸浘豻䯖飨抲辭㖐㙏㟍㔍 偧漻榺㕥浘豻䯖㗏頌嬔㔰呯 䃬昺忲淕 㖐㙏㟍㔍䯖徏䂛璉 㔰呯 跆昺捗啛燒跤㩃 駱 ...

Page 11: ... 㬬縟䯤Xiaomi Communications Co Ltd 㬬縟㰂哠鰱鯰䯤 019 9th Floor Building 6 33 Xi erqi Middle Road Haidian District Beijing China 100085 閔窅䯤POCO 矇麏䯤22111317PG Xiaomi Inc 穼滺忞桹 ...

Page 12: ...POCO X5 5G السريع التشغيل دليل مستوى أزرار الصوت التشغيل زر عون نمم USB منفذ 02 48 أﻏﺴﻄﺲ 16 اﻟﺴﺒﺖ Nano SIM Nano SIM Nano SIM Micro SD ﺑﻄﺎﻗﺔ ﺑﻄﺎﻗﺔ ﺑﻄﺎﻗﺔ ﺑﻄﺎﻗﺔ ...

Page 13: ... مص غير بطاريات أو طاقة محوالت أو كابالت استخدام إن بالجهاز ضرر إلحاق أو آخر خطر أو بيئة يف الجهاز هذا استخدام يؤدي وقد مئوية درجة 40 و 0 بين الجهاز هذا تشغيل حرارة درجة نطاق يتراوح بالجهاز الضرر إلحاق إلى هذا الحرارة درجة نطاق خارج أو بها الضرر إلحاق لتجنب بنفسك البطارية استبدال تحاول فال فيه نة ّ م مض ببطارية ًا د مزو الجهاز كان إذا بالجهاز ح ّ ر المص الملحقات فقط استخدم به ح ّ ر المص أو المضمن ...

Page 14: ...متنقلة لالتصاالت المتطلبات مع يتوافق 22111317PG فاي واي اإلنترنت بشبكة الالسلكي واالتصال البلوتوث بتقنية المزود 2014 53 EU األوروبي االتحاد توجيهات الراديو معدات بتوجيهات الخاصة الصلة ذات األخرى واألحكام األساسية اإلنترنت على المتوفر التالي العنوان على األوروبي باالتحاد الخاص المطابقة إلقرار الكامل النص على ّالع ط اال يمكنك www mi com en certification النوعي االمتصاص معدل الراديو لترددات التعرض حو...

Page 15: ...خل تصحيح موقعه تغيير أو االستقبال هوائي توجيه إعادة االستقبال وجهاز الجهاز بين الفاصلة المسافة زيادة االستقبال جهاز بها يتصل التي تلك عن مختلفة دائرة على كهربائي بمقبس الجهاز توصيل المساعدة على للحصول التلفزيوني الالسلكي المجال يف خبرة ذي فني أو البائع استشارة النوعي االمتصاص معدل الراديو لترددات التعرض حول معلومات بحيث وتصنيعه الجهاز هذا تصميم تم الراديو لموجات بالتعرض يتعلق ما يف الحكومة بمتطلبا...

Page 16: ...يح ألغراض التوضيحية الرسوم كل إدراج تم mi com global service userguide بدقة الفعلي الجهاز تصور Xiaomi Communications Co Ltd ّعة المصن الشركة ّعة المصن الشركة عنوان 9th Floor Building 6 33 Xi erqi Middle Road 019 Haidian District Beijing China 100085 22111317PG الطراز POCO التجارية العالمة محفوظة الحقوق جميع Xiaomi Inc ...
