nearby block satellite signals, or because the watch is disconnected to the app
for a long time, causing the AGPS to be not upgraded. You can open the
Amazfit app, connect it to the watch, and try again after the AGPS is updated.
It is recommended to ensure GPS positioning is processed successfully before
the outdoor workout. If you start the workout during positioning, the workout
track cannot be recorded and the recorded workout data will not be accurate.
After GPS positioning is processed successfully, the "GO" icon will be lit up
and you can tap it to start the workout.
During Workouts
During workouts, the watch will display the current workout data in real time,
such as time, distance, pace/speed, and heart rate. After the watch screen goes
off, the screen can be lit up again by lifting the wrist or touching the screen.
Sliding right during workouts can enable you to view the time, date, and watch