Slow Pace Reminder
During workouts, if your real-time pace is lower than the set value, the watch will vibrate to
remind you that your pace is too slow and show the current pace. Before using this function, you
need to enable Pace reminder in the workout settings page.
Per Mileage Reminder
During workouts, whenever you reach the set mileage, the watch will vibrate to remind you of the
current mileage and the pace or speed during the past one mileage workout. Before using this
function, you need to enable Distance reminder on the workout settings page.
Insufficient Space Reminder
If there is insufficient space during workouts, the watch will vibrate to remind you whether to
continue the workout. If you tap "Continue", the unsynchronized workout data will be overwritten.
If you tap "End", you will end the workout.
Storage Space Exhaustion Reminder
During workouts, if the storage space is exhausted, the watch will vibrate to remind you. At this
time, the workout record will be automatically saved for you.
GPS Status Change Reminder
During outdoor workouts, if positioning was unsuccessful before, the watch will vibrate to remind
you that with the App connected, GPS positioning is successful after repositioning is successful
for the first time.
Operations during Workouts
Suspend/Continue/End the Workout
Press and hold the touch button to suspend the workout, with the paused interface displayed. If
you tap "Continue", then the workout will continue to be recorded. If you tap "End", a
confirmation prompt will be given according to the distance. If the distance is less than 50m, the