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Chapter 3 Configuration and Management
This chapter describes how to configure and manage the router.
3.1 Configuration Connection
Before configuration, you should connect the router with your configuration PC
with the supplied network cable. Plug the cable’s one end into the LAN port (ETH) of
the router, and another end into your configure PC’s Ethernet port. The connection
diagram is as following:
Please modify the IP address of PC as the same network segment address of the
router, for instance, Modify the mask code of PC as and
set the default gateway of PC as the router’s IP address (
3.2 Access the Configuration Web Page
Start a web browser and type in the Address (URL) field (The
Default IP Address of the Ethernet port is It will prompt a login page.
The default username and password are both “admin”. Please input the username and
password login to access the configuration pages.
3.3 Configuration
3.3.1 Welcome
The “Welcome” page will give some contact information, if you have any
question or problem, please contact us.