U s i n g t h e P r i n t e r w i t h N o v e l l N e t W a r e
X N I C - E N E T / T R I N G C o n f i g u r a t i o n G u i d e
Using PConsole
Creating the Print Queue .................................................... 3-16
Adding the Print Server ...................................................... 3-17
Adding the Printer .............................................................. 3-18
Selecting the Print Queue ................................................... 3-18
Linking the Print Server to the Printer ................................ 3-19
Restarting the XNIC ............................................................ 3-20
Using NWAdmin
Logging into the NetWare File Server .................................. 3-22
Establishing the Context ..................................................... 3-23
Creating the Print Queue .................................................... 3-23
Adding the Print Server ...................................................... 3-23
Adding the Printer .............................................................. 3-24
Assigning the Print Queue to the Printer ............................. 3-25
Linking the Print Server to the Printer ................................. 3-25
Restarting the XNIC ............................................................ 3-26
Changing the Polling Interval (Optional)
Configuring the XNIC as a Remote Printer
(NetWare 2.x/3.x)
Network Considerations ..................................................... 3-29
Creating the Print Queue .................................................... 3-30
Adding the Remote Printer ................................................. 3-30
Assigning and Restarting the Print Queue ........................... 3-31
Defining the Print Job Configuration (Optional) .................. 3-32
Configuring the XNIC as a Remote Printer
(NetWare 4.x NDS)
Network Considerations ..................................................... 3-33
ETR-CH03 Page 2 Wednesday, October 23, 1996 6:46 PM