WorkCentre M128/M123 Reference Guide
PCL Fonts
The following PCL fonts are resident on the device.
Each of the commands reference a 12-point font. If you wish to use any other
point size, change the 12v to the desired size (.25 – 999.75).
The commands listed use the default symbol set, Roman-8. To change the
symbol set, include the alternate symbol set after the first <ESC> and before
the second <ESC>. Use the line printer examples as a reference.
Font Name
PCL Escape Command
Albertus Medium
Albertus Extra Bold
Antique Olive
Antique Olive Bold
Antique Olive Italic
Arial <esc>(<esc>(s1p12v0s0b16602T
Arial Bold
Arial Italic
Arial Bold Italic
CG Times
CG Times Bold
CG Times Italic
CG Times Bold Italic
CG Omega
CG Omega Bold
CG Omega Italic
CG Omega Bold Italic
Clarendon Condensed
Coronet <esc>(<esc>(s1p12v1s0b4116T
Courier <esc>(<esc>(s1p12v0s0b4099T
Courier Bold
Courier Italic
Courier Bold Italic
Garamond Antiqua
Garamond Halbfett
Garamond Kursiv
Garamond Kursiv Halbfett
Line Printer (Roman-8)
Line Printer (Latin-1)
Line Printer (PC-8)
Line Printer (PC-8 D/N)
Line Printer (PC-850)
Line Printer (Legal)
Marigold <esc>(<esc>(s1p12v0s0b4297T
Times New
Times New Bold
Times New Italic
Times New Bold Italic
Symbol <esc>(19M<esc>(s1p12v0s0b16686T
Wingdings <esc>(579L<esc>(s1p12v0s1b31402T
Univers Bold
Univers Bold Italic
Univers Bold Condensed
Univers Bold Condensed Italic
Univers Medium