produces 65°. No mapping or translation is done to these
You can substitute the exclamation point (!) with any other
character by using the LITERAL operand at the COMPILE
command. Refer to the "Command Syntax" section in the
"Managing and printing sample forms" chapter for
information on how to use this operand.
Special characters print only if you type them twice in
succession. For example, ‘IT’’S HERE!!’ produces “IT’S
HERE!” in the printed version.
Understanding the command syntax flow charts
Many HFDL statements offer several options. This chapter
represents HFDL command syntax in the form of flow charts,
which allow you to visualize the main command statement and
the way options branch from that statement.
If you want to enter a command in its short form, without
options, follow the main command line in the flow chart until
you reach a semicolon. Otherwise, follow the branching below
the main command line to include any parameters you want.
The main command line contains the required words and
operands. Under the command line, or under a branching line,
you can use optional words to clarify the command. Parameters
that are vertically stacked (one above the other) under the main
command line or under a branching line indicate choices for that
particular parameter. Ellipses (...) indicate multiple occurrences
of the preceding parameter.
Words, characters, or phrases shown in lowercase are variables.
Replace these variables with names or values that you have
Setting up your form
Before you enter commands to describe a form, you enter setup
commands to specify the following:
FORM specifies the name and resolution of the form.
PAPER specifies the paper size.
LANDSCAPE/PORTRAIT specifies page orientation and
virtual page size.
GRID specifies grid unit and form origin.
FONTS specifies fonts.
ICATALOG and PALETTE specifies ink catalog and palette.
INK specifies inks and colors valid only when using Xerox
color printers.
IRESULT specifies results when objects imaged with
different inks overlap on Xerox highlight color printers only.
The name parameter of the FORM command is required. The
other commands are optional. If you do not specify the optional