Other Xerox Phaser 8560
Simple design = simple maintenance
The Phaser 8560 printer technology is legendary for its ease of use.
Loading ink is as easy as loading a stapler — even a child can do it.
In sharp contrast, the HP color LaserJet 3800 is a complicated device, as
illustrated in the photo below. Opening its front cover exposes dozens of
breakable plastic moving parts and the transfer belt to potential damage.
Easy-to-use driver
The Phaser 8560 bidirectional drivers and visual graphics
interface are easy to navigate and help the users get their prints
right the first time.
The HP LaserJet 3800 print driver has its most commonly used
features on separate screens, making it more time-consuming and
less intuitive. It also has no bidirectional capability, leaving users
in the dark as to the real-time status of their devices.
Front display panel eliminates guesswork
The Phaser 8560 front panel display is larger and shows more helpful
information, including animated graphics to aid in maintenance.
The HP LaserJet 3800 front panel is smaller, provides less information
at a glance, and requires more button-pushing to find what you need.
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are trademarks of XEROX CORPORATION. Adobe and PostScript are registered trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated or its subsidiaries, which may be
registered in certain jurisdictions.The information in this document is subject to change without notice. 2/07
Phaser 8560 driver
LaserJet 3800 driver
Competitive Comparison
Xerox PrintingScout
The Phaser 8560 printer’s proactive
PrintingScout provides instant, detailed and
graphical onscreen alerts with instructions on
what to do. Advantages include productivity
gains plus reduction in support requests to
the help desk.
Xerox PrintingScout
Easy-to-understand instructions
get users printing fast
Limited 2-line display
with no animation
HP LaserJet 3800
Phaser 8560
HP LaserJet 3800
Real-world performance
The Phaser 8560 has a dramatic performance advantage over HP’s
LaserJet 3800 in both specifications and most importantly real-world
Phaser 8560
HP LaserJet 3800
Monochrome email (1 page)
6 seconds
14 seconds
Excel spreadsheet (1 page)
6 seconds
15 seconds
2-page real estate PDF (duplexed)
14 seconds
29 seconds
Complex multilayered file
51 seconds
1:33 seconds
Note: All pages printed in default print mode on letter-size media.
Phaser 8560
6-line display, complete with