• Submit jobs from just about anywhere,
including desktop/commercial publishing
workfl ows. Submit data from mainframe
systems, and client/server architectures,
XML/database/ASCII input or simply from
DVDs, CDs and even portable USB devices.
Submit print-ready jobs into pre-set Hot
Folders for easy, automatic printing
• Submit print-ready jobs into pre-set Hot
Folders for easy, automatic printing.
• Automate job ticketing and customize job
workfl ows through up to 250 programmable
queues with minimal operator intervention
• Use stock library to promote effi cient use
of media
• Save on training costs and increase uptime –
familiar interface and workfl ow lends itself
to “train once” paradigm
• Ideal for both publishing (high imaging
quality and speed) and transactional
environments (readily accommodates
multiple data streams)
A smooth workfl ow: easier for your
business, easier for you
The Xerox FreeFlow
Digital Workfl ow Collec-
tion is designed to take you easily through
every stage of managing your jobs, from
creation to fi nal output. Integrating with the
Xerox Nuvera
EA, this suite of optional solu-
tions enables you to enhance, automate and
simplify your existing workfl ow, increasing
productivity and making the most of your
Xerox Nuvera
100/120/144 EA Production System with FreeFlow
Print Server Professional, Integrated
Scanner, Enhanced Line Screens, Post Insertion, In-line Stacking and Stapling