Page 20
Part Number: 45051581
File download limitation
You can only download 17 files at a time. An error message indicating that a file cannot be
opened might appear if you download more than 17 files. Ignore the message and click OK
to locate the file.
Job Log
Save and clear the Job Log regularly. After the Job Log accumulates a large number of
entries (approximately 16,000 jobs), the Fiery stops responding when you start Command
License Verification
If you preview a job in the Hold queue from Command WorkStation and receive a License
Verification failure message, verify that the dongle is installed properly. In some cases, connect
the dongle to the port on the motherboard instead of the port on the PCI (Peripheral
Component Interconnect) card.
Previewing files
Jobs must be reprocessed and sent to the Hold queue in order to preview any changes made
from Command WorkStation.
Impose jobs print with a Demo watermark
If you print an imposed job and the job prints with a Demo watermark, verify that the dongle
is installed properly. In some cases, connect the dongle to the port on the motherboard
instead of the port on the PCI card.
Prompts in the Activity Pane
If you attempt to print a job with a media type that is not loaded in the specified tray,
repeated prompts will be displayed in the Activity Pane under Processing and Printing.
Suspend and Resume F5 and F6 keys
Only attach your keyboard and mouse to the motherboard USB port. Do not use the USB
PCI port, otherwise the Command WorkStation Suspend and Resume F5 and F6 keys do
not work.
Job Log
Letter SEF jobs display as LetR in the Command WorkStation Job Log.
Downloading .jpeg files
If you download a .jpeg file from Command WorkStation, the file is routed to the Print queue
and the Job Log displays zero for the number of pages. An error message is not displayed when
this happens.