CMS = Guide to Configuring and Managing the System
IPG = Installation Planning Guide
PRM = Guide to Performing Routine Maintenance
SOG = System Overview Guide
TRB = Troubleshooting Guide
glazing, TRB 2-4
GOCA (Graphics Object Content Architecture), SOG
graphic display, SOG 4-3
graphical user interface, see GUI
GUI, CMS 1-1–CMS 1-9, SOG 3-2–SOG 3-3
guidelines, loading paper, PRM 1-2
hard disk, IPG 2-2, SOG 2-3
components, IPG 5-8
specifications, IPG 5-8, IPG 6-17–IPG 6-18
HCF, IPG 3-4–IPG 3-5, IPG 6-8–IPG 6-9
description, SOG 4-6
tray capacity, SOG 4-5
HCU, IPG 2-1, IPG 2-10, IPG 5-7, IPG 5-8, SOG 2-1,
SOG 2-5
HCU errors, TRB 2-9
HCU, powering on, CMS 2-2
heat dissipation, IPG 6-17–IPG 6-18
HFSI (high frequency service indicator), CMS 1-1,
SOG 3-2
high-capacity feeder, see HCF
high-speed transfer mode, CMS 3-4
Host Channel Unit, see HCU
Host Channel Unit, see HCU
host computer, communicating, CMS 2-5
Host Job Control section, CMS 1-20
HPPCL5e, IPG 1-4
Human Readable Interpretation (HRI), SOG 1-12
IBM AFP architecture, IPG 1-1
IBM AFP Group 3 page printer, SOG 1-1
IBM IPDS Group 3 page printer, IPG 1-1
IBM related documents, IPG C-2
IBM, outline fonts, SOG 1-12
icons, moving, CMS 1-6
802.3, IPG 4-7
IEEE 802.3, IPG 4-7
incremental spin buttons, CMS 1-5
Information button, SOG 4-4
input configuration
changing, CMS 4-44
creating, CMS 4-38–CMS 4-43
deleting, CMS 4-45
example, CMS 4-27
Input Configuration section, CMS 1-15–CMS 1-16,
CMS 4-26
input tray
capabilities, SOG 1-9
input trays, IPG 1-3, SOG 1-5
input trays, configuring, CMS 1-15
input trays, loading, PRM 1-2–PRM 1-5
planning checklist, IPG 4-4–IPG 4-6
preparation, IPG 4-1–IPG 4-3
process, IPG 8-1
Xerox responsibilities, IPG 4-1
instruction labels, SOG 4-9
interface, CMS 1-11
IOCA (Image Object Content Architecture), SOG 1-4
IOCA Replicate and Trim, SOG 1-9
IOT (Image Output Terminal), see printer
IPDS bins, CMS 1-16
IPDS data streams, CMS 3-13, IPG 1-4, SOG 1-1,
SOG 1-4
IPDS Trays field, CMS 1-15, CMS 4-41
IPS Authorization, CMS 1-13
IPS Console window, IPG 2-9
IPS Engine Monitor window, CMS 1-1, SOG 3-2
IPS Main window, IPG 2-9
IPS main window
buttons, CMS 1-21–CMS 1-22
components, CMS 1-9–CMS 1-22, SOG 3-4–
SOG 3-5
described, CMS 1-1, SOG 3-2
description, SOG 1-2, SOG 1-7
Host Job Control section, CMS 1-20
menus, CMS 1-10–CMS 1-14
setup and status information, CMS 1-18–CMS
using, CMS 1-9
IPS mode, switching, CMS 3-13
IPS Output Configuration window, CMS 4-49
IPS Print Engine Monitor window, CMS 2-5, IPG 2-9
IPS Print Service Console window, CMS 1-1, SOG
IPS screen, IPG 2-9
IPS software license text string, loading, CMS 3-11–
CMS 3-12
jam clearance assistance, SOG 4-9
jams, recovering, IPG 1-3
JCL keyword, SOG 1-9
FSS statement parameters, IPG E-3–IPG E-4