The list of profiles can be sorted by name, date of change, and comment. If necessary,
use the horizontal scroll bar to view the entire text of long profile names.
The Alignment feature allows you to create and store specific alignment adjustment
profiles. These profiles allow you to accommodate different media types and how the
image is registered, aligned, or magnified for side 1 and side 2 output. These profiles
may be used at point of need in order to ensure optimum output quality of your prints.
Alignment adjustments can be made when the position of the output image is misaligned
or skewed. This may be a result of paper expansion or contraction, cutting inaccuracy,
or paper storage conditions.
It is recommended that you read through the entire Alignment section before
creating/editing or performing any actual alignment adjustments.
Related Topics:
Alignment information
Automatic alignment information
Things to consider when creating/using an alignment profile
Adjustments to the position of the output image
Alignment options
Automatic Alignment (Full Width Array)
Color 800i/1000i Presses Xerox
Color 800/1000 Presses
System Administration Guide